Icebreakers Tips for Ur RA Meetings – Part 3 of 3


Icebreaker 5: Confusion

Players: Any number.
Equipment: A piece of paper with 5 to 8 tasks to do. Each sheet has the tasks ordered differently so no one is doing the tasks in the same order.

Confusion is a great high energy game to help participants begin to feel more comfortable in new group. Give each participant a sheet with various tasks and ask them to complete it when you say, "GO!" Here is a sample:

1- Have 3 people write their favorite hobby below this line.

2- Get 5 different people to write their name and their favorite
music artist on the back of this sheet.

3- Give someone 5 high fives, ask them their favorite TV show.

4- Have someone sing a few verses of a nursery rhyme, after they
finish have them write put their initials here.

5- Have someone of the opposite sex do 3 deep knee bends and have them print their first name here.

6- Lock arms with someone and spin around 3 times and then share your favorite book.

7- Walk all the way aroung the room holding someone's hand.

8- Unlace someone's shoe and lace it again.

9- Do 3 jumping jacks for someone and have them initial below.

The first person to complete the entire sheet wins!

Icebreaker 6: Comic Strip Chaos / Personal Sharing

Players: 20 to 30

Each participant takes a turn at picking a comic frame out of the large container. After the entire group has each chosen one, the participants begin to search for others with the same comic strip sequence. After the participants have found everyone in their group, they must arrange themselves so that the sequence of frames are in chronological order to form the comic strip correctly. Upon completion of sequence, the newly formed group sits down together. Great game to break large group into smaller groups.

After forming groups, have each group share on these questions:

1- The most memorable/inspiring event for me in HS was...
2- The way I would describe my family is...
3- The thing I would most like to accomplish this year...
4- The things I value most in friendship are...
5- My favorite pastimes are...

We hope you've enjoyed our 3-month series on Best Icebreakers!