What’s Happening at WIN!

Our Blog

March 29, 2025

Due to Covid-19, MoneyCamp Workshops are now offered via ZOOM MEETINGS! To obtain a schedule of the classes we offer for schools or to register for one of our Community Virtual Classes, click on the Workshops tab above. ... Continue reading

Ways to Motivate Your Students

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January 28, 2016

7 Ways To Motivate Your Students! by: Annie Condron 1. Praise Students in Ways Big and Small Recognize work in class, display good work in the classroom and send positive notes home to parents, hold weekly awards in your classro...Continue reading →

Smart Things to Teach Teens About Money

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June 25, 2015

7 Smart Things To Teach Teens About Money. by: Ruth Soukup This month we want to encourage teachers and parents to help their kids be smart about money. Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze's new book Smart Money, Smart Kids: Teaching the...Continue reading →

Top 7 Ways To Motivate Your Students!

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January 29, 2015

According to a 2003 National Research Council report on motivation, 40% of students chronically disengage from school. Students who are bored or inattentive or who put little effort to schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curr...Continue reading →

Top 12 Ways to Reward CoWorkers & Employees

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October 10, 2014

By Dan Tynan In a world where corporations like to boast about running "lean and mean," it may seem nearly impossible to compensate employees for doing good work without breaking the budget. The good news? You don't have to. A January 2007 survey...Continue reading →

8 Ways To Be A Better Teacher

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August 20, 2014

I've learned that no matter what knowledge I have it's always good to go back and review the basics. For example, one of my skills is computer programming. When I get a bug in a program, I can look at my code for days and not be able to figure out ...Continue reading →